The PTCMW Community and its members seek to advance the science and practice of I/O psychology and related fields through high-value professional growth and networking opportunities. Connecting with other I/O Psychologists, sharing the latest research and applied approaches, and growing as a professional are what members expect of PTCMW.
With over 300 professional and student members and a steady stream of new ways to connect, share, and grow, PTCMW membership continues to expand across local, regional, and national markets. Members include industrial/organizational psychologists, attorneys, statisticians, human resources professionals, and EEO specialists from government, business, consulting, and academia.
Established in 1977
Stephen E. Bemis, former Chief Psychologist for the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs in the U.S. Department of Labor and later an I/O consultant, was the driving force behind the creation of PTCMW in March 1977. In his travels, Steve became familiar with the Personnel Testing Council of Southern California (PTC/SC) and thought that a similar organization was much needed in the DC area.
With encouragement from PTC/SC, Steve assembled a group of interested DC area colleagues to create a similar but independent organization to PTC/SC. With technical assistance from Anita Ford, Pat Pfeiffer, Ed Hane, and others at PTC/SC, the PTCMW organizing committee appointed interim officers, drafted bylaws, compiled a mailing list, sent membership invitations, and scheduled PTCMW's first official event, a dinner meeting, at the Hotel Washington in April 1977. PTCMW has been growing and improving ever since.
The members of the PTCMW organizing committee (March 1977) included:
1. Stephen E. Bemis (Chair). | 7. Francia Morhardt. |
2. Sally Jones Brauer. | 8. William B. Owen, Ph.D. |
3 Peggy Goulding, Ph.D. | 9. Donald J. Schwartz, Ph.D. |
4. Preston Horstman, Ph.D. | 10. Lance W. Seberhagen, Ph.D. |
5. Jean D. Linehan. | 11. Merrie C. Shager, J.D. |
6. Charles Martin. | 12. Dee A. Soder, Ph.D. |
After serving as PTCMW's interim President, Steve Bemis was elected by the full membership to become PTCMW's first elected President for 1977-1978. Steve continued to provide wisdom and leadership to PTCMW after his presidency until a tragic accident took his life in 1985.
2025 PTCMW Officers & Committee Chairs
2025 Elected OfficersPresident Past President President-Elect Vice President Secretary Treasurer Recorder | 2025 Committee ChairsNominations & Elections
Social Media Committee Chairs Haylee Gans, M.A. - Booz Allen Hamilton Webmaster Graduate Student Consulting Challenge Committee Chair Volunteer with PTCMW PTCMW Members can join Committees throughout the year, and seek election to an officer position toward the end of each calendar year. We are currently looking for support with Newsletter/Blog Editor and Mentoring Program Coordinator. Email your Committee of interest for more information, or email the Nominations Chair for details and process for becoming an elected officer. | Contact Information
Who Do I Contact?
- Membership: Secretary
- Elections: Nominations & Elections
- Quarterly Newsletter: Newsletter Editor
- Website & Marketing: Communications Make Payments via Check:
Please notify the Treasurer by email, address each check to "PTCMW", and send to the Treasurer at the address below: