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  • 04/06/2016 8:00 PM | Anonymous

    The PTCMW Spring Newsletter is available to view online, click here, or in the downloads page.  This quarter's edition includes among other great content:

    Build it Ethical: Not Like VW by Dr. Romella Janene El Kharzazi

    Evaluating a Job Offer by Kyana Beckles, M.P.S.

    The Success Dilemma by Lia Engelstad and Zeno Pizzighella

    Also, if you haven’t completed the annual member survey don’t forget to voice your feedback (click here).

  • 03/31/2016 9:29 AM | Anonymous

    PTCMW lost a much-valued friend and colleague on March 26, 2016, with the passing of James L. Outtz (1947-2016), after a four-year battle with cancer.  Dr. Outtz earned his Ph.D. in I/O from the University of Maryland in 1976 under Professor Irv Goldstein.  As President of Outtz and Associates, Washington, DC, James worked as an I/O consultant to government and private industry, as well as serving as an expert witness in many high-profile court cases.  James distinguished himself for his innovative research and practice in the development of employee selection procedures with minimum adverse impact while retaining validity.  He was a popular speaker at professional conferences and received many professional honors.  He was SIOP’s 2016 President-Elect at the time of his death.

    James Outtz Obituary

  • 11/19/2015 12:43 PM | Anonymous

    Hi all!

    The November 2015 Newsletter is attached and available for member download on the PTCMW web site (member sign in required).

    The current issue includes:

    • A Featured Article: Technology-Enabled Shifts in Work Culture: A Brave New World for Parental Leave, Eleni Lobeni, Ph.D., Aon Hewitt
    • PTCMW Updates: President's Note, Legal Watch, Budget Updates, Consulting Challenge, PTCMW News, & More!
    • Three New Recurring Columns:
      1. PTC2 - Peer Tips Column, Lia Engelstad, George Mason University& Zeno Pizzighella, University of Baltimore
      2. Early Career Column, Kyana Beckles, M.P.S., Leverage Assessments
      3. Cultural Acumen, Romella Janene El Kharzazi, Ph.D., Equal Employment Opportunity Commission & Allemore Consulting
    Happy Reading!

    Josh Isaacson, Ph.D.
    Chair, Communications
    Secretary PTCMW
  • 10/16/2015 10:14 AM | Anonymous

    Personnel Testing Council of Metropolitan Washington (PTCMW)

    Call for Nominations: 2016 Officers

    Advance your career and your profession!  PTCMW is now seeking outstanding professionals for nomination to PTCMW’s elected officer positions for 2016, as follows:

    • President-Elect
    • Vice-President for Programs
    • Secretary
    • Recorder

    Established in 1977, PTCMW is one of the largest and most prestigious local professional associations in the field of industrial and organizational psychology.  PTCMW membership (professional or student) is open to anyone who is interested in the field of industrial and organizational psychology. Although most members live in the metropolitan Washington DC and Baltimore areas, a significant number live across the USA.

    PTCMW is the one organization that unites the large and diverse I/O community in the greater DC area through its monthly luncheon meetings, breakfast workshops, and special events, as well as providing a quarterly newsletter, member directory, and comprehensive website.  PTCMW seeks continuous improvement each year through the new ideas and enthusiasm of its dedicated elected officers.

    Please nominate yourself and/or other members of PTCMW who would like to help President-Elect Matt Fleisher make PTCMW even better for 2016.  This is a fantastic opportunity to make new connections, gain professional recognition, and contribute to the local I/O community!  All nominees must be PTCMW members prior to serving in any of the above positions. In addition to the specific duties of each office, the seven elected officers (including President and Past-President) serve as PTCMW’s Board of Directors. Visit http://www.ptcmw.org/positions  to learn more about the responsibilities for each elected position, or contact any Board member or committee chair with questions.

    Submit all nominations by November 20, to Alex Alonso, Past PTCMW President and Nominations/Elections Chair, at alexander.alonso@shrm.org.  


    Alex Alonso

    Past PTCMW President and Nominations/Elections Chair

    (703) 535-6403


  • 04/29/2015 5:27 PM | Anonymous

    As a PTCMW Student Member, we would like to invite you to apply to author or co-author a recurring student column in our newsletter. Applications are due May 15, 2015. 

    What is the purpose of the column?

    PTCMW would like to offer a column that speaks directly to students of our field. The column is intended to focus on student topics related to our Connect. Share. Grow. emphasis at PTCMW. These may include defining and maintaining success in graduate school, obtaining internships, getting involved in PTCMW or other volunteer opportunities, and any other student-related topics of interest. Author(s) of this column will hold the position for the duration of 1 year.  


    • PTCMW Student Member
    • Masters or doctoral level student
    • 3.5+ GPA
    • Strong writing skills
    • Willing to gather input from PTCMW student members as needed
    • References/Faculty Endorsement 

    Who is eligible?

    Any student member enrolled in a masters or doctoral level Industrial-Organizational Psychology (or related) program is welcome to apply. 

    Can two students co-author the recurring column?

    If there are multiple highly-qualified candidates, PTCMW will consider two individuals to share a column. To maintain diversity of ideas in the column, these students will not be selected from the same university.

    How do I apply?

    By May 15, 2015, please submit the following to Nikki Blacksmith at newsletter.ptcmw@gmail.com: Your resume or CV; GPA; a short paragraph detailing your top-3 ideas for an initial column; and your level of interest in collaborating with another student to write the column.

  • 04/21/2015 5:10 PM | Anonymous

    It's all about 'Hot Topics & Cool Solutions' at the IPAC Conference in Atlanta, Georgia July 19-22, 2015!

    The International Personnel Assessment Council’s annual Innovations in Assessment Award recognizes an individual or team for the development and application of an innovative personnel assessment tool or procedure which resulted in improved effectiveness, efficiencies or cost savings. The award may be given to practitioners, academicians, or students. You can nominate someone in our field who has developed an innovative tool or technique.  Individuals and work teams are invited to nominate themselves as well.  The individual or team selected to receive the Innovations in Assessment Award will receive a plaque, an invitation to present at the IPAC annual conference, a waiver of the conference registration fee for one individual, and recognition in the widely read ACN newsletter. Detailed information and a nomination form for the 2015 IPAC Innovations in Assessment Award is available for download at: http://www.ipacweb.org/innovationsinassessment. Submissions will be accepted beginning April 13, 2015 through 5:00 PM MST May 15, 2015. Submissions and questions may be sent to Meredith Ramsey, M.S., at meredithramsey22@gmail.com or 720-261-7600. #IPAClanta #beinginnovative 

  • 03/09/2015 9:54 AM | Anonymous

    IPAC 2015 Conference Registration is Now Open!!! We are excited to announce that registration is now open for the 2015 IPAC Conference, including our fantastic line-up of pre-conference workshops. The fee structure for the 2015 Conference makes it even more advantageous to register early this year. Register by June 21st, 2015 to benefit from early bird registration.

    We invite you to join us for invaluable learning, career development, and networking opportunities. IPAC offers engaging, practical workshops , concurrent sessions, renowned keynote speakers, and fun social events. This unique conference experience shouldn’t be missed!

    Don’t miss the Hot Topics and Cool Solutions at the 2015 IPAC Conference in Atlanta, GA.


    Visit the 2015 Conference home page and stay up-to-date on all the latest news and announcements.

    We look forward to seeing you in Atlanta!

    #IPAClanta 2015 IPAC Conference Planning Committee 

    Official Hotel and Conference Venue

    2014 Conference Materials Available We are pleased to announce that the JW Marriott Atlanta Buckhead will be the official conference venue and hotel for the 2015 IPAC Conference. You may reserve a room anytime through the following links: 

    Private Sector

    Public Sector

    2014 Conference Materials Available 

    Did you miss a session or were unable to join us in Denver? Don't worry! Over 30 presentations are NOW AVAILABLE including: 

    • Dr. Eden King's insights on Big Data
    • Elizabeth Reed and Ergometrics' Firefighter Physical Ability Test
    • Shelley Langan's The Role of the Selection Analyst in the Hiring Process
    • Clinton Kelly & Jason Schaefer's The Effects of SME Edits on Item Performance
    • Julia Bayless’ Job Family Job Analysis
    • Warren Bobrow's Crowd Sourcing Tests

    Follow us on Twitter

    Find us on LinkedIn

  • 01/23/2015 3:05 PM | Anonymous

    It’s all about ‘Hot Topics & Cool Solutions’ at the IPAC Conference in Atlanta, Georgia July 19-22, 2015!

    We encourage you to consider one of these exciting opportunities for sharing your Hot Topic or Cool Solution with the IPAC community. For more information about the conference please visit us at www.ipacweb.org or “Like” our Facebook page, join us on LinkedIn or follow us on Twitter@ipacweb! #IPAClanta

    Student Poster Session (New this year!)
    This interactive poster session will provide students a forum for sharing their research and honing their presentation skills in a conference setting. This is also an opportunity to receive valuable feedback, brainstorm ideas for future research, and identify useful resources from a diverse group of HR and assessment professionals. Students may submit a proposal to present their academic or applied work for this session. Submissions may include completed research, applied projects, or theoretical work. Please view the Call for Proposals at http://www.ipacweb.org/Call-for-Proposals for additional details on this poster session. All proposals must be submitted using IPAC’s online submission system. Student poster submissions will be accepted until 5:00 PM PST on February 6, 2015. Please email the Conference Program Committee at conference@ipacweb.org if you have any questions.

    The annual James C. Johnson Student Paper Competition recognizes the contributions of students in the field of personnel assessment. Papers must be theses, dissertations, or other student papers that describe original research conducted by the author while a student. The award winner will present the winning paper at IPAC’s Annual Conference. The winner will receive $600 coverage of conference related travel expenses, free conference registration, one-year membership in IPAC, and recognition in the widely read ACN newsletter. In addition, the University Department where the student’s research was completed will receive a plaque commemorating the student’s IPAC award achievement. Please visit http://www.ipacweb.org/studentpapercomp for additional information. The deadline for submissions is March 6, 2015. If you have any questions about the submission process, please email Dr. Christopher Nye at nyechris@msu.edu.

    The annual Innovations in Assessment Award recognizes an individual or team for the development and application of an innovative personnel assessment tool or procedure which resulted in improved effectiveness, efficiencies or cost savings. The award may be given to practitioners, academicians, or students. You can nominate someone in our field who has developed an innovative tool or technique. Individuals and work teams are invited to nominate themselves as well. The individual or team selected to receive the Innovations in Assessment Award will receive a plaque, an invitation to present at the IPAC annual conference, a waiver of the conference registration fee for one individual, and recognition in the widely read ACN newsletter. Detailed information and a nomination form for the 2015 IPAC Innovations in Assessment Award is available for download at http://www.ipacweb.org/innovationsinassessment. Submissions will be accepted from April 13, 2015 through 5:00 PM MST May 15, 2015. Submissions and questions may be sent to Meredith Ramsey, M.S., at meredithramsey22@gmail.com or 720-261-7600. 

  • 01/16/2015 9:30 AM | Anonymous

    Letter from the Editor:

    Our current volume is on The Physics of Leadership and Organizational Structure. Several features make this a truly special issue.
    It is organized like a mash-up between the old Psychological Monographs (that featured an in-depth conceptual article on a radical rethinking of a core issue) and the new Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice journal (that features focal articles with commentary from leading thinkers).
    The focal article, “Leadership and Organizational Behavior: A Thermodynamic Inquiry,” is a tour de force by Dick Kilburg and Marc Donohue exploring how models of atomic structure and bonding forces can be used to model leadership influence and organizational structure. This is an ambitious piece that will stretch your thinking.
    To help interpret this thermodynamic inquiry, the issue includes brief commentary articles by leading leadership scholars including Bruce Avolio, Robert Hogan, Ted Hayes, Jim Hazy, Russ Marion, and Mary Uhl-Bien along with three former Presidents of the Society for Consulting Psychology, Vicki Vandaveer, David Brewer, and Amy Owen Nierberding.
    To access electronic copies of the articles at APA’s psycnet database, click the link below. (Access requires a subscription, or you can also purchase the issue and individual articles.)

    And please do pass along this update to anyone who may be interested in what’s happening at the frontiers of thinking in consulting psychology.
    Here’s to a terrific New Year in 2015,
    Rob Kaiser
    Editor | CPJ 

  • 12/29/2014 9:41 AM | Anonymous

    The International Personnel Assessment Council (IPAC) is the premier organization of assessment professionals who develop and deliver state-of-the-science testing and measurement services within the HR community. IPAC members actively engage in practice, research, and training to meet the needs of both public and private-sector organizations.

    Please mark July 19-22, 2015 on your calendar to join us for interactive pre-conference workshops, informative presentations, engaging social events, and networking opportunities. It’s all about Hot Topics and Cool Solutions at the 2015 IPAC Conference in Atlanta, GA.

    The Annual Conference offers professionals the opportunity to share their latest research, programs, and ideas with their peers. You are cordially invited to be a part of that IPAC tradition.  Anyone may submit a proposal for consideration. IPAC Membership is not required. All topics in the area of personnel assessment, including selection, legal issues, performance management, training & development, and leadership & succession planning are welcome. Please view the Call for Proposals for additional details on this poster session and other session types (i.e., presentations, symposia, panel discussions, tutorials). Proposals must be submitted using IPAC’s online submission system  by 5:00 PM PST on January 11, 2015. If you have any questions about the submission process, please email the Conference Program Committee.

    We’re pleased to announce our current line-up of keynote speakers, who will anchor our program each day with general session presentations designed to take the discussion of assessment to the next level:

    • Winfred Arthur, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Management, Texas A&M University
    • Mike Fetzer, Ph.D., Global Director - Advanced Assessment Technologies, CEB
    • Brian Hoffman, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Chair of the Industrial Organizational Psychology Program, University of Georgia
    • Kathleen Lundquist, Ph.D., President and CEO, APTMetrics
    • Ann Quigley, M.A., Deputy Chief, Strategic Workforce Planning, Office of the Director of National Intelligence

    We hope to see you in Atlanta! #IPAClanta

    2015 IPAC Conference Planning Committee 

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