PTCMW President's Message - February

03/02/2021 8:55 AM | Anonymous

Hello PTCMW Members and Friends! It is time for my first monthly update on the PTCMW operations.

Monthly Educational Sessions

We held our February virtual panel career discussion that focused on offering career advice to students and early career professionals. We want to thank the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) I/O Psychology Graduate Program and Blacks in I/O Psychology for co-sponsoring the event; as well as our panel members Nchopia Nwokoma (O.C. Tanner), Nastasia Fong (IREX), Pat Curtin (NSF), and Jay Goodwin (ARI). With nearly 100 people in attendance, it was a tremendous success! Members can access the recording of the session in our webinar library.

Our next monthly presentation will be on Wednesday, March 24th. Evan Sinar, Erin Eatough, Ali O'Malley & Shonna Waters from BetterUp will present research from the world’s largest database of coaching outcomes, including trends on member well-being across hundreds of thousands of coaching sessions with workers since mid-March of 2020. Registration will open soon.

PTCMW is continuing to provide members and non-members the option of attending our monthly programs without being charged the normal fee – in light of COVID-19.  To attend the session without charge, simply email the secretary ( to receive a code for registration.

Mentorship Program

The PTCMW 2020-21 Mentorship Program is wrapping up this month. We will be gathering feedback from the mentors and mentees who participated in the program to help us continue to improve and provide a great experience for all participants. And we are already planning for the next cycle which will be kicking off later this year.

SIOP Conference Updates

The 36th Annual SIOP Conference will be all virtual this year, beginning in mid-March and extending through early May. Events such as the Master’s Consortium, Doctoral Consortium, Early Career Faculty Consortium, and Preconference Workshops will begin in mid-March and the fact that all of these events are 100% virtual this year will allow SIOP to support and engage more members from a wider array of locations. The asynchronous and synchronous sessions will then begin in April with the asynchronous sessions being available through early-May. Registration for both the SIOP conference and the pre-conference workshops is now open

Blog and Resource Sharing

If you have resources you think would be useful for the PTCMW membership, please let us know!  Additionally, we are always looking for blog content. If you are interested in participating, you can reach out to me directly (

Get Involved with PTCMW – Volunteer Opportunities

If you are looking to get involved with PTCMW, we have many volunteer positions available – including:

  • Technology Support: This focuses on managing any virtual event – from managing registrations and communications to overseeing the technology aspects of the live events.
  • Monthly Session Planning: This focuses on identifying topics and speakers and coordinating upcoming events.
  • Graduate Student Consulting Challenge Support: This focuses on planning and coordinating the event this year, as well as kickstarting planning for next year.
  • Blog Support: This focuses on identifying content and contributors for the blog; we are always on the lookout for additional items that will be exciting and useful to our membership.
  • Community Organization Liaison Support: This focuses on growing PTCMWs connection with and support of other sister IO organizations in the DMV area.
  • Graduate Student Liaison Support: This focuses on maintaining and expanding our connections with local graduate student programs.

Please reach out and let us know if you are interested. You can email us at or!

PTCMW Member Survey – Coming Soon!

We will be distributing a survey soon to PTCMW members to gather input on their PTCMW experience. We will be asking about the value our members are getting from PTCMW as well as potential areas for improvement or expansion. So please provide your input once you receive the survey.

We look forward to continuing our efforts to connect, share, and grow with you.

Thank you,

Rob Calderón, PTCMW President

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